Nuxt 2 to Astro 3 Replatforming – from Setup to Production
Notes from a replatform effort from Nuxt to Astro, including setup, struggles, migration, and finding solutions for search and sitemap.

Web Components in Astro
How to use native web components inside an Astro project, with a few isolated examples and explanation of some issues I had to navigate.

State of the Browser 2023 Conference Recap
A brief bulleted recap of State of the Browser 2023 from my perspective, including the decision to sponsor, and a bit about traveling to London to attend in person.

Eleventy Style Guide Generator – Step by Step guide adding to an existing site
Step by Step guide to adding the Eleventy Style Guide Generator to an existing site. Details on how to avoid needing WebC or Design Tokens included.

Pulling WordPress Post Categories & Tags Into Eleventy
Step by step guide to gathering post categories and tags from the WordPress REST API for better filtering and discoverability in an Eleventy blog.

Eleventy Style Guide Generator with WebC Component Support
The simplicity and speed of Eleventy with the organization of a self documenting design system. Style guide generator that incorporates design tokens, fluid typography, and WebC components.

Plaid Swatch Generator
SVG based plaid swatch generator, choose your five colors and generate a unique plaid pattern that you can download and share.

CloudFront Function for basic auth, redirect, and serving from S3
How to switch from Lambda@Edge to a single CloudFront function for serving static content from an AWS S3 bucket, with redirects and basic auth included!

Conserving Sentry Transactions by Ignoring Laravel Routes
Sentry limits transactions per month, this shows how to conserve them by ignoring specific Laravel PHP routes you don’t need to trace later.

Joining the IndieWeb with Webmentions and Microformats
A collection of resources that helped me get Webmentions set up on the blog posts for this site.

Adding a Table of Contents to dynamic content in 11ty
Code that introduces automated anchor links to headlines in Eleventy dynamic-loaded content. Improves accessibility and makes content sharing easier!

Solving Animation Layout Flickering Caused by CSS Transitions
Solving layout flickering (or animation flashing) happening on browser resize caused by CSS transitions, with live before and after examples!

A Step-by-Step Guide to Sorting Eleventy Global Data Files by Date
Step-by-step guide to date-based global data sorting in Eleventy, including automated by file last modified and manually via a data property

Pulling WordPress Content into Eleventy
Composable Architecture Powered by WordPress part 2 – How to pull content from a WordPress RESTful API into an Eleventy generated static site.

Making Intervention Image Ignore SVGs
Quick writeup of how I handled a pervasive Intervention Image error “Intervention\Image\Exception\NotReadableException” in a Laravel app.

Composable Architecture Powered by WordPress
One developers journey toward content authoring nirvana. Thought process, decisions, and source code for a WordPress composable architecture.

Implementing Dark Mode
Details of how I implemented dark mode on Be Inclusive, including some issues I encountered along the way.

Alternatives for object-fit in IE11
A background image compromise to support IE11 while also giving modern browsers the best experience using CSS object-fit. Presented with detailed problem, solution, examples, and alternatives.

What the Font are Vertical Rhythm and Modular Scale?
Why you should care about vertical rhythm and modular scale, defines them, and a demonstration on how to integrate them into your next project.

The Four Levels of Mobile Browser Testing
Tips to help you embrace the budget and time constraints of your project while testing in mobile browsers.

Managing Multi-Tenant Component Styles
Tracing the path we took to accomplish a unique, cohesive design system for multiple sites within a single Content Management System (CMS) platform installation.

Off-canvas Menu + Fixed Navbar = Buggy iOS Safari
While working on a responsive refresh of the Upshot website I came across some buggy behavior when mixing an off-canvas menu with a fixed position element on the page. I realize that fixed elements have had a history of bugginess in iOS and detailed articles have already been written. However, I hadn’t seen what was occurring for me […]

Filtering and Sorting a Table with PHP
I had a friend ask me earlier this week if I knew of any resources that could point him in the right direction on how to create a PHP page of tabular data that had the ability to be both filtered and sorted. We both weren’t able to find anything suitably simplified so the underlying […]

PHP Functions – Part 2
Pad, Reduce, Chunk I lumped these three functions together because I doubt I could count on one hand the number of times I’ve used any of them. Though once you understand what they do there are several applications for them that would make development cleaner if not also just plain easier. Here they are in […]

PHP Functions – Part 1
I’ve been working with PHP for several years, dare I say a decade at this point, and I’m still surprised at functions I’ve never or rarely used. In an attempt to share in my delight of discovering these gems and hopefully enlighten others to some very helpful functions, I’m going to try to start a […]

Apache 2GB file limit
Just came across a new issue I hadn’t dealt with before, apparently once a file (in my case a very large error_log file) reaches 2GB or 2,147,483,647 bytes it can’t work with the file anymore. In this case the system couldn’t write to the error log and threw an Internal Server Error. I didn’t realize what the […]

URI vs URL? Think Scotch vs Whisky
For the longest time, I’ve been unconsciously transposing URI and URL (with the occasional sprinkling of “web address”) in conversations and correspondences without ever really considering that they are abbreviations for two different things. That is until I decided to finally read up on these confounding abbreviations and got the proper info on the real difference between URL and URI. So you […]

MySQL Optimization Top Ten List
I recently had the opportunity to delve deeper into MySQL and how to optimize and generally better my database structure and queries. There’s a lot of information on this topic so I thought i’d share the top ten things that matter to me when creating and querying databases.